
Strategic Human Resource

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Looking for Ideal Career? First Go With Psychometric Tests

Deciding on an perfect career becomes a hob task in regards to a discrepancy between different job offers. Perhaps you believe this one might be the ideal job for you, but another one is going to establish an ideal job match. While using a repair in that circumstance, have a deep breath, stay calm, feel…

What is Emotional Intelligence and How can it be used in the Workplace?

Psychology today defines emotional intelligence as the ability to control not only one’s own feelings but also the feelings of others. It involves three different skills: Identifying and naming ideas 2. Using ideas to solve a problem when needed 3.Controlling your emotions and knowing when to help control the emotions of others This knowledge of…


As an industry, the Human Resources (HR) Department talks about people – how we care about them, how we deal with our stressful relationships, and how we listen to and appreciate them. As the name suggests, an important principle underlying human institutions is that human beings are indeed a “source.” You may be thinking, “I…

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